Resources to support the confirmatory clinical trial evaluating the Corvia® Atrial Shunt

Here you’ll find trial-related downloadable content to support local awareness efforts and highlight a strong commitment to advancing heart failure treatment through the Corvia® Atrial Shunt and RESPONDER-HF clinical trial.
All tools, materials and templates are designed to support trial participation through educational efforts for potential participants or clinicians. Items marked with an asterisk may be ordered through your Corvia Medical representative or by contacting RESPONDER-HF@corviamedical.com.
This portal is intended for use by healthcare professionals and media personnel. It is not intended for patients or consumers.
Clinical materials
Clinical evidence to date on the Corvia Atrial Shunt
REDUCE LAP-HF II Clinical Trial Summary Brochure*
Consolidated summary of the REDUCE LAP-HF II clinical trial including key Responder Group outcomes.
REDUCE LAP-HF II 2-Year Responder Group Highlights
Two-page summary of the REDUCE LAP-HF II Responder Group outcomes at 2 years, including a brief overview and background of the study.
REDUCE LAP-HF II Clinical Data Presentation
Slides with published clinical findings from REDUCE LAP-HF II, the largest randomized controlled trial of device-based therapy in HFpEF. The results observed in this study are being confirmed in RESPONDER-HF.
Referring clinician tools
Tools to inform potential referring clinicians about RESPONDER-HF
Referring Physician Letter Template
Template letter from HF cardiologist/implanting physician to potential referring physician. Letter is intended to inform referrer about RESPONDER-HF study, indicate which patients should be considered for evaluation, and encourage referral to implanting institution.
One page summary of RESPONDER-HF including study rationale, trial design, and referral considerations.
RESPONDER-HF Referring Physician Brochure*
Overview of the RESPONDER-HF trial, the Corvia Atrial Shunt, the clinical evidence to date, and which types of patients should be referred for potential study consideration, tailored specifically for referring physicians.
Patient Identification Tip Card*
Laminated, pocket-sized card for referring physicians with tips for identifying probable study candidates. Includes the H2FPEF Scoring Model.
Post-Randomization Letter Template
Template letter to inform referring physician of patient randomization in the RESPONDER-HF study. Includes post-procedural information and considerations to maintain study blinding.
Materials to accelerate enrollment
Tools to support efficient interdepartmental collaboration in identifying study candidates
RESPONDER-HF Participant Identification Pocket Guide*
Handy reminder about RESPONDER-HF inclusion/exclusion criteria and tips for identifying probable study candidates.
RESPONDER-HF Participant Identification Presentation
Great for educating potential sources of referrals. Contains a brief introduction to the
RESPONDER-HF trial, inclusion/exclusion criteria, and strategies to work collaboratively.
HFpEF Scoring Tool
Fast, easy-to-use, interactive reference tool to determine which patients with exertional
dyspnea may have HFpEF and may therefore be potential candidates for the RESPONDER-HF study.
Video: Heart Failure Cardiologist Perspective – Patient Talk Track
Dr. Sanjiv Shah shares his learnings on the most effective way to educate patients about participation in a randomized study and potential paths forward after invasive exercise.
HFpEF Patient Identification Poster*
Echo Poster
Posters for use across hospital departments to raise awareness of HFpEF and encourage referral of high-probability HFpEF patients for potential study evaluation.
HFpEF Patient Identification Poster*
Cath Lab Poster
Posters for use across hospital departments to raise awareness of HFpEF and encourage referral of high-probability HFpEF patients for potential study evaluation.
HFpEF Patient Identification Poster*
In Patient Poster
Posters for use across hospital departments to raise awareness of HFpEF and encourage referral of high-probability HFpEF patients for potential study evaluation.
US Reimbursement Guide
Quick reference guide providing an overview of outpatient and inpatient coding for the index procedure of the RESPONDER-HF study.
Patient materials
Resources to educate patients throughout the study candidacy process
Patient-focused website with relevant information and resources for the RESPONDER-HF
study, including an online screening tool and doctor discussion guide to help patients gauge their study candidacy.
Animated depiction of the Corvia Atrial Shunt implant procedure.
RESPONDER-HF Patient Brochure*
Brochure with information about the RESPONDER-HF study, heart failure, the Corvia Atrial Shunt therapy, and potential risks and benefits.
Patient Information Guide
Brochure that answers questions a patient may have about the Corvia Atrial Shunt.
Patient Clinical Perspective
Interview with Jimmy, who took part in the REDUCE LAP-HF I trial in 2016. Jimmy reflects on his experience both one year and seven years after receiving the Corvia Atrial Shunt.

Shunt in a cube*
Small (2″ / 5cm) acrylic cube encasing the Corvia Atrial Shunt. A great tool to enable patients to visualize and understand the small, low-profile nature of the device.
Media kit
Resources for media professionals
Corvia Medical Fact Sheet
Summary document with content spanning the company, the product, the unmet need in heart failure, and current clinical evidence.
RESPONDER-HF Trial Messaging
Document with key information and messages regarding the RESPONDER-HF trial.
Press Release Template
Template that may be used to announce your institution’s participation in the RESPONDER-HF study and/or an associated milestone.
Sample Social Media Posts
Template Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook posts for use on your institution’s social media sites to promote participation in RESPONDER-HF.